It was some years ago that my neighbour Anne came to me: "Could you please sew a diaper for my dog Lenny from old towels? I fear I will lose my friendships because of him!" Drips and the smell of urine in the house were truly putting the other family members' tolerance to the test.
Dripping male dogs: a frequent problem after castration
After his castration, Ridgeback male Lenny became incontinent at the age of just four years. Because he was suffering from heart disease, he tolerated medication for incontinence worse. As the loss of urine became increasingly worse Anne began looking for a washable male dog diaper. However at the time there was no such thing on the market. Disposable diapers for humans were out of question both for aesthetical and practical reasons. So it was up to me to tailormake a diaper for Lenny.

How should the ideal dog diaper be made?
I am a dressmaker and I wanted to keep a good relationship with my nice new neighbors. But old towels? No way! So I started thinking about the requirements concerning fit and material of a diaper for dogs, especially for Lenny and I tailored the first models. Over some time together we designed and improved the cut and the construction of the diaper, constantly tried and tested by Lenny. A supple and breathable fabric seemed best that both kept its shape and allowed stretching and addionally was washable at 60 ° C (140 F). As an inlay we opted for an absorbent fleece which was firmly sewn into the diaper in order not to slip from wearing or washing. Finally we wanted the piccobello Diaper to be adjusted to the dog's body by simple tying without disturbing closures such as velcro tape, press buttons or plastic clasps.
The solution: just perfect!
The result was a washable and very absorbent easy-to-use diaper. Lenny received a set of nine diapers: seven for the days of the week und two for the washing days. Peace in the family had been restored and Lenny was visibly happy that he could move in the house without leaving drips. His sleeping place remained dry and Anne didn't have to wash mountains of towels and covers.
"Hey, I am not the only one with this problem!"
It was Anne's idea to make our dog diapers accessible to other owners and to their dogs of course. Having found this perfect solution after years of fruitless search we just could not keep it for ourselves. Being reluctant in the beginning, I was soon captured by her enthusiam.
We need a model for female dogs!
Due to her old age my own female dog Pino had now become incontinent as well. So it was obvious that we needed to develop a model for females. A completely different anatomy required a model of its own, especially a sophisticated tying technique which prevent the diaper from slipping off the dogs bottom. As there are many dog owners among our friends we had the chance to test our diaper with all different kinds of breeds and furs.
Piccobello-Dog Diapers is born
First, we offered the diapers to veterinarians in our region. The very good response showed and confirmed the need for such a product. In order to make the dog diapers also available beyond the region, we then placed our offer on the worldwide web. We hope that this will make piccobello dog diapers of good service to all owners with dripping dogs. Over the years, we have expanded the piccobello range to include other useful products for old and incontinent dogs. Some of the ideas for this came about through contact with and the needs of our customers.
We are be happy to receive your feedback, suggestions and proposals ! Your Piccobello-Team